Ok I have to write these down before I forget them.
Some things I strive for this year is:
--to be more Green (sorry Casey, I totally stole that one from you). Specifically by taking a cloth bag with me when I go to the store. We have so many plastic bags it's sick. But I do kind of recycle those when I line them in my wastebaskets. And I'm going to continue to turn out every light when I'm done at work & then run to the hallway as fast as possible because I'm scared of the dark. And after my dad leaves, I'm going to turn the thermostat down to 64 a) so I can save energy and b) so I can save some money. I'll be a Little Meg Popsicle but I'll be saving the environment damnit!
I have been VERY good about the cloth bag thing! I read an article in my new favorite magazine, Positively Green, about a girl who kept forgetting her bag so to get herself to remember to bring it in, would leave her future purchases in the store, and run out to her car to get her bag. That happened to me once & it happened to be a very cold day so I sure remember now! Dad did move out and I have the thermostat set at 71 which is pretty cold sometimes but I throw on my fleece PJ's and cover up with an extra blankie. I'd like to re-word that last line to say "I'll be a Little Meg Popsicle but I'll be saving some money damnit!" I'm also going to see about how we can get recycling at HHH '09. And I'd like to conserve more water. I can start by figuring out how to fix my leaky faucet in my bathroom sink & shower and the kitchen sink.
--support local businesses as much as possible. (Almost) Everyone's Christmas present came from local businesses this year & I really felt good about it. While I appreciate big corporations & the freedom to grow as big as possible as a business, I really appreciate the fact that we have the freedom to be a small business owner. They all started small. And I really admire folks that take that leap & put their finances and personal lives on the line to keep it operating.
I did this somewhat throughout the year and just a few times for Christmas. I still feel the same way and there are a few new local businesses that I'm going to support the hell out of (Vincent's and Paw Spa Bonetique) as much as I can this year.
--lose at least 20 lbs. My reunion is this year & I'm determined to be smokin' hot by July! I will accomplish this with the Best Life Diet. Go Bob! I'm also going to try to change my thinking about food. Because all food, no matter how expensive or delicious or abundant ends up exactly the same....in the toilet.
Well, it doesn't matter that I have no idea what my weight was 1/2/08 as I definitely did NOT lose 20 lbs by July or anytime last year. I feel confident enough to say that I probably gained 20 lbs this year. I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I'm just sick of this crap. The office Biggest Loser competition starts on Monday and my goal will be to win it. I'll be going back to my Triathalon Class three days a week and starting a Boot Camp three days a week and hope to be at the gym or doing something healthy six days a week. And I pray I don't injure myself. My views on food are still the same. I love sweets. I love junk food. I just need to realize I can still have that but just not as much and not as often. I'm planning on signing up for Weight Watchers online and per my quote in TRN will try to shove as much green in my piehole as I can. I'd really like to be down to 110 lbs and stay that way till I have a baby (which I have no plans for in the near or far future).
--to, if I haven't already, tell my friends & family how much they mean to me. I've been really crappy at keeping in touch with family and I'd like to either send handwritten notes or emails to my relatives on a somewhat consistant basis.
Haven't really done this one either. I'll keep this on my list for '09 and logisically would like to send a handwritten note to a friend or family member once a month. Randy Pausch, author of The Last Lecture talked about how much he valued handwritten notes and I really do too so I'm going to start a'writtin'.
--not be so cluttery at home. My room's a freaking disaster and it's because I keep stuff and don't have time to sort it out & now it's out of control & I feel overwhelmed. So this year I'll try to remember to think about if I want to keep said piece of clutter & if so, where I need to put it or throw it away/recycle it. If I don't use it or wear it, I need to get rid of it.
My room's still a freaking disaster but thanks to Casey, I'd have done NOTHING about this one. I did two big clean-outs this year and between the both of us, we gave away alot of stuff. I have NO recollection of what I gave away so it must've meant alot, right?! I have a long way to go. Ultimately I want to clean out the storage unit that's costing me $77/m. When I started thinking about it, I realized if I cleaned out Dad's room and the garage, I might be able to at least move the storage unit stuff over and sort it out later. It just seems so overwhelming and looming. I just need to sit down & give myself a deadline and stick with it. One of my new goals is to spend 30 min/day doing some kind of housework. I'm hoping that way, I won't look around one afternoon and say to myself that I need to vacuum, do the dishes, take out the trash, do laundry, dust, straighten up, find places for things.
--some things I want to do/places to go: Irish Festival in Fair Park in March, Red River Wine Festival, Petapalooza in the metroplex, Oktoberfest in Muenster, Vegas in March and reunion in July. As a natie Texan & having lived here for like eight years now, I have never been to the State Fair so I'd like to go this year. I want to go somewhere either in the fall or maybe next Christmas--cruise maybe?
I did GREAT on this one! I went to the Irish Festival (fun), Red River Wine Festival (always fun), my reunion (awesome to see my friends) and the State Fair of Texas (lots of fried food was consumed and good times were had). I also went to the Oklahoma State Fair (really fun but my feet/legs were hurting so bad by the end of the day that was kind of a drag). Casey & I went to Muenster but I think it was Germanfest. Vaca's this year: Phoenix for spring break, Hershey, PA for July 4th week.
--finish paying my last & final school loan. I'll have to save paying off my overdraft account for next year.
Finished paying my school loan right before my reunion. What a great feeling! I realized I was paying through the nose on interest on my bank overdraft account so I transferred the balance to a 0% interest credit card and I'll work on having that all paid off by 12/09 (if not before).
--I think I secretly want to put "that I'll go on at least five dates" but I don't want to put that pressure on myself. Plus it's not a resolution and it's an out-of-my-control goal so....I'm not going to include that one.
Yeah, this didn't happen either. TRN's own Richard Carter suggested to Casey & I that we each ask out someone that was out of our league. I'm intrigued. I'm letting it marinate. If the mood strikes me, I'm going for it. I'm still going to see if the girls will chip in $100/each so I can go on a It's Just Lunch : )
That's all I can think of at this point but I reserve the right to add things to the list if they should arise. Life changes don't always have to start with the beginning of a new year!
I'd love to reflect on 2007 a little bit but to be honest, I really can't remember a whole lot that happened this year.
Still can't remember what happened in '07.
I went through some crappy times at work for a few months which had me seriously looking for other employment opportunities. But after awhile and a demotion later, things got better. Maybe I was just too chicken shit to actually leave and start somewhere new. Or maybe I was just being what they call a responsible adult. I really wanted to get my bills paid off and I was scared if I left, how that'd affect my goal of being about 80% debt free. But I stayed and finally paid off over $17,000 of credit card bills over the last five years. Which is funny because it took me about that long to rack them up. I almost wanted to cry with the lack of praise from CCCS. I wanted a freaking party! Or at least a note saying "good job meg! You did it!"
I DID get a lovely thank you letter from Prin telling me how grateful they were that I paid off my loan. I kept the letter.
I went on one bike ride this year. How sad. My bike is now barely visable with all the clutter (see above) in front of it, around, hanging off of it.
Bike's still kind of buried amongst clutter but accessable. Went to the Byers Bike Bash, TCC's Spook 'n Spoke and the Ride of Silence. And maybe rode the trail once. As slow as he was, I miss riding with my dad. I told myself to appreciate that time while we were riding and I did, but I still miss it.
I had another great (defintely my best) year at Hotter 'n Hell. The Finish Line Village kicked ass and greatly improved from the year before! I was very grateful for Casey & Jules for helping me out and were able to see what I spend months preparing for. And I was very happy that Traci got to see the riders as they flew plast the United. Even if she was just running up there to get breakfast & thought it'd be a quick errand : )
Well this year's Finish Line Village was even better than last year's. And thanks again to Casey & Jules for helping me announce bands while I put out fires. I am worried about how to handle some things next year. But I'm excited to expand and grow. And to keep in mind that ultimately I'm here to uplift guests and riders and not be bothered by little crap.
I just finished my first whole year of not eating meat. It's been weird at times and sometimes I wonder why I do it. Well, until Casey shoved the P.E.T.A. booklet in my face. But I sure do love my seafood!
Year two, done. Well, I did have a twice-baked potato at Roma's last week and thought I'd removed all the bacon that was on top but was informed mid-digestion that the bacon was mixed in throughout. Oh well.
Had some great times with my girlfriends this year! Vegas (in March? April?) and had the best time ever! New Year's Eve was awesome (even in jeans)! Even the typical weekend at OT, Toby's or BWW always brought some fun. Wildcats games are alwasy fun and I love giving away freebies to fan! I love to laugh & I did alot of it this year!
Ok, just a few more goals for 09 (not like I don't have enough already!):
--go off the grid for one day a month. No cell phone, no email and (weather permitting), no electricity. Basics baby, back to basics.
--just like my housework, instead of spewing out all the thoughts in my head at once, I'd like to blog 30 min/day.
--I want to be a better/nicer person. I want to start waving to fellow Beetle owners because we drive cute cars & save a lot in gas! I'd like to start doing random acts of kindness for strangers. Casey came up with a good idea-to pick 12 non-profits and donate something (probably time) to them.
--At my last teeth cleaning, I was informed I needed to be flossing at least once a day or else. Bad things could happen. So I started immediately but the last month or so has been slackerville & flossing by convience only. So I resolve to floss 365 times this year.
--I could've sworn I mentioned running a marathon in 08. Well, as it turns out, that didn't happen. But I have started a sprint triathalon class so I'm going to do one of those in March.
Ok, I gotta go home and go to freaking bed. But not till I floss!
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