Wednesday, February 4, 2009

40 lbs of baby fat

No friends, you haven't missed anything major happening in my life. Like a baby. Or finding the man of my dreams. No, this is about my stupid weight and my crappy self-image. Again. I'll make it brief since I'm bumming myself out pretty quickly.

I'm really considering going to a hypnotist so he make me believe that I have a hankerin' for salad and dispise sweets. Oh and I'll see if it's extra to cast a I-crave-working-out spell on me. Like just now for example....I had a class at 5:30 but at 5:00 I decided I was too tired to change my clothes and excrete any sweat for the next hour. I just really don't know what it's going to take for me to change my food/(lack of) workout habits. Am I going to have to be diagnosed with something horrible before I start caring about myself and feeding my pie-hole with good stuff instead of chinese buffet and Filet 'o Fish's?

My friend started paying attention to her portions & started eating "normal" portions & lost about 4 lbs in a week! Seriously?! Why can't I get it together?

Well this blog is shot. Kory just showed me some Youtube videos (failblog--best man & mug shot just name few) and they were freaking hilarious so I don't feel like being negative anymore.

I'll figure it out later.

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